Friday, 8 January 2016

The naked truth: Whole30 and my health

I wrote this to a close friend, about a year ago to explain my rationale for Whole30 and the process I'd been on.
I have been overweight most of my pubescent and adult life. As a little girl, I was small and average never having excess weight or nutritional issues. Once I hit puberty I was packing on the pounds and called "big boned" although I had not changed any of my habits and we were eating healthy at home.

Ever since, I have resented the fact that others can eat anything they want, but I'm the one who has to suffer gaining extra pounds. I have felt defeated and un-beautiful, and unhealthy.

Many times I have gone on fasts or diets and lost some weight, but I was counting down the minutes until I could eat everything I'd cut out. Then all the weight came back, and over the years so much more!

When my healthy, beautiful friend suggested Whole30 to me, I was critical. I needed to know that I didn't need to buy all of my food from the company, or all of their recipes, and that it was actual science that backed up their claims. I had been receiving emails from 'nutritionists' who never say anything concrete until after they've convinced you to buy another thing from them or their affiliates, and I was sick of it!

One day I felt God's nudge to look into Whole30 so I bought the book and read the science and realized for the first time how my hormones and gut were contributing to my poor health. It wasn't the calories or the fat I was ingesting, but the things that turn into fat or cause fat to be stored that were making me unhealthy.

Whole30 cuts out all foods (for a minimum of 30 days) that cause any of the 4 major health issues: addiction, hormonal imbalance, gut permeability, and inflammation. Anything that is processed is eliminated because of it's unnatural addictive qualities, sugar and alcohol are also addictive. But rather than focusing on what you cannot eat, I found oodles of delicious recipes full of protein, fiber, good fats, and carbohydrates. I even made my friend and her family (3 children under 4 and her hubby) her birthday dinner (Whole30 compliant) and they all loved it! She even scooped up the leftovers and had it for lunch the next day!

But one thing that has really changed the game for me is realizing that:
- I am an adult and no one else can make decisions for me
- My life is worth more than not doing this
- I need to take myself seriously, cause God does
- None of the foods I crave actually fix my problems
- Enjoy things  because they are delicious, in an intentional manner 

Since finishing my Whole30, I have realized how much my brain lies to me about food, and how much I idolize it! Now, I am making more conscious decisions about what I eat, and I am really enjoying vegetables for the first time!

Anyways, if you want to talk more about my experience just let me know!

Lots of love and compassion,


  1. We are cheering you on, Rebecca! We could all use some better eating! So proud of you!

    1. Thanks Loni!
      It's not an easy task to tackle, but I have found that these changes have brought a lot of health into my life and when I'm eating things I shouldn't I can see the consequences:(
      I have thought of your comment often, as I write more!

  2. what restaurants do you suggest in Montreal that are compliant? thanks I am slowly finding more and more foods that are compliant. Some weeks, I just want it to be easy
