I am always surprised when friends and acquaintances tell me that they've read my blog. I write in a different voice than I speak, and share more personally than I would with an acquaintance. It's not that I am ashamed of what I write, but it lacks the give-and-take of a new friendship and I feel like I need to catch up on what they've read. This weekend, a friend told me that she had read my blog so we took a minute to discuss the content of what she'd read. She tole me that she wanted to take her health more seriously. But she had no idea where to start, and lacked the experience to make up her own recipes.
So this post is a few suggestions for anyone who is considering eating more healthfully or to do a Whole30. She and I agreed that although she's working full-time and studying part-time, we're all busy. There is never a better time than NOW to put your health as a priority.
Let's assume that you don't have more than an hour every night to eat dinner and prepare for tomorrow's lunch and dinner, like my friend. What can you do?
- Batch cooking recipes that you like, and don't require a lot of attention. Slow cookers are really helpful!
- Pick a day where you can prepare most of the recipes (a weekend!). Try to find the best way to maximize your time, and have your groceries ready.
- Try to add variety with your meats, flavours, and raw foods on the side.
- Think of your meals as #1, #2 and #3 to avoid getting into a rut.
- Build your Plate (PDF): palm size of protein, fill the rest of your plate with vegetables (especially leafy greens and fibrous vegetables), 1-2 servings of fruit per day, one or more fat source per meal (olives, avocado, nuts, oils and coconut). Add fermented foods like pickles, sauerkraut and kombucha as you like.
- No cheats, no slips, no excuses. Remember this is a marathon and not a sprint.
- Find a support network of friends and family who can help you make it through. I'd love to help :)
For me, if I eat the same thing for dinner 3 times in a row, I start to loose interest and will end up throwing out the wasted food. I have written a post that outlines one week's worth of meals for me - which maximizes my time without loosing variety in my meals. It explains how to prepare all of your meals in just one afternoon so that meals are ready for work through the week. You can find it here.
When I started doing Whole30, it was hard to find recipes which I could enjoy but didn't take hours to prepare. If you would like to find some simple recipes which could help you as you start to compile your own database, you can find some here. I have split them up by categories to help you navigate.
Don't loose heart as you persevere through the challenges towards better health! I am always learning more about myself and nutrition and realize some mistakes I made in my first round, and even just yesterday. This is an important journey, and you're worth it!!
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